Программы: Dr. DivX 2.0 Beta 2

Среда, 14 декабря 2005 г.

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Продолжается развитие программы Dr. DivX 2. Разработчики широко популярного кодека DivX предлагают использовать данное решение для кодирования видео в их формат. Программа поддерживает кодирование как с внешнего источника (DVD, видео-камера, телевизор…), так и из файла. Отличается простым и интуитивно понятным интерфейсом, ориентированным на широкий круг пользователей. Для работы программы необходимы библиотеки drffmpeg.dll и avdsp.dll (должны находиться в одной директории с установленной программой). Скачать (2.88 MB - Open Source)

Список изменений: What"s new: - Support Unicode filenames and text properties - Support CBR/ABR selection for custom profiles (default CBR for DivX profiles) - Add translation files for available languages - Add "High Performance" mode (DivX He-3 encoder) - Apply the Advanced settings even if not saved in a profile (as long as the "Untitled profile" is selected) - Allow stopping the Audio encoder correctly (end up as Waiting/Postponed instead of failed) - Don"t start the jobs on Expert startup to be able to remove jobs that are crashing - The "Low" priority of the thread is now equal to IDLE What"s Fixed: - Delete Expert mode desktop shortcut when uninstalling the application - Memory leak when the Expert mode was opened during a long time - The video track was not selected correctly in some cases - When opening many files before doing the encoding the track mapping was wrong (too many tracks) - Make analysis faster by analyzing only 11 segments of 150 frames each - Fix the display of extended float numbers in the FPS - Allow only up to 8 audio tracks and 8 subtitle tracks to be selected for encode - Fix DivX encoder failures when encoding with Handheld certification DrFFMPEG - Support CBR/ABR selection for custom profiles - Fix a potential crash while leaving a DirectShow decoder when it"s not initialized Known Issues: - Preview window in the Full GUI is disabled - The fit to file size option may not produce accurate file sizes (maybe slightly improved, but still not fully fixed yet) - Some WMV files may cause the Dr. to crash - Some MOV files may cause the Dr. to crash - The "Add track" options are disabled for the track selection dialogues - The proceed to encode queue in wizard mode does not work. You will need to manually open the encode queue. - Input files with multiple video tracks could crash the application - Meta-data fields: Not all metadata is saved including technical information - Audio-video sync is sometimes lost for VOB input

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