XtremeLabs.org sets a 3DMark03 world record: 213743 3d marks for a single-card now!

Среда, 13 июня 2012 г.

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This year’s MSI Master Overclocking Arena (MSI MOA 2012) is running in a new online-format. After quite calm ‘American Battle’ many overclockers predicted real heat in the EMEA region which currently seems to be the strongest one, we suppose.
Even the first results were quite promising – recently Xtreme Addict from Poland set a 3DMark11 single-card world record with his 15745 points, then Portugese OCer known as Billy-The-Kid showed his 211926 marks in 3DMark03. Seems that during the last day of the contest (14th June) we’ll see some more great achievements – many professionals like to publish their contest achievements several hours before deadline.

Anyway Ukrainians from XtremeLabs.org (famous overclockers cyclone & T0lsty) decided to update the 3DMark03 WR immediately after getting the score: today they’ve set the highest point to 213743 marks!

This is much higher than previous achievement. Made on the MSI hardware, without any doubt.

The rig:

CPU – core i7-3570K@6.72 GHz under LN2 (who said you need a highly clocked 3770Ks for beating heavy records?);
MoBo – MSI Z77A-GD65;
VGA – MSI R7970 Lightning @1730/2020 (8080) MHz under LN2
RAM – Kingston HyperX DDR3-2333 2x2 GB;
PSU – Enermax Revolution 85+ 1250W
Cooling – XtremeLabs.org MAGNUM CPU pot and KPC Tek-9 FAT VGA pot.

Seems that MSI R7970 Lightning is becoming a true OC-hero these days!

cyclone & T0lsty are not sure about the chance and necessity to improve the score till the end of the contest, but they are quite optimistic ‘cuz they said their card could do some more MHz in 3DMark03!
Congratulations teammates!

p.s. this event could be discussed in Xtreme Forums@XtremeLabs.org. You can also greet the guys there!

The result at HWBOT.org, T0lsty|XtremeLabs.org -> 213743 3DM03 marks

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