Gazprom Eyes Stake In UK Gas Operators

Понедельник, 6 февраля 2006 г.

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Russian gas monopoly Gazprom said yesterday it considers the opportunity to acquire the U.K. gas distributor Centrica plc. Gazprom needs an end user in Great Britain to provide economical substantiation for extending the North European Gas Pipeline from the continental Europe to the British Isles, Kommersant reported. Meanwhile, Centrica’s capitalization rose 16 percent to #163;11 billion on aggregate on statements of the gas monopoly of Russia. However, Alexander Shkut, deputy director of Gazexport, said that the decision on stake in Centrica has not been taken. But the press service of Gazprom satetd , that "Shkut was misinterpreted, no deals are planned." Apart from Centrica, Gazprom is eyeing another U.K. operator, Scottish Power, which capitalization stands at $19 billion.

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