Игры: NFS: Most Wanted Patch 1.3

Среда, 7 декабря 2005 г.

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EA Games выпустила патч для суперхитовой гоночной аркады Need for Speed: Most Wanted. Играющая общественность уже успела распробовать новый хит, который, как и ожидалось, пришелся по вкусу подавляющему большинству. Лучшие традиции серии в прекрасном графическом оформлении. Если вы еще не успели попробовать — рекомендую. Данный патч направлен на исправления разнообразных ошибок найденных в игре. Скачать (12.19 MB - Patch)

Список изменений: - Fixed problem with user not being returned to the offline main menu when losing their connection. - Users are no longer returned to the offline main menu after a LAN race. - Fixed host hanging in an empty game room after exiting a race. - Users are now able to find LAN races created through Quick Race. - Fixed issue where the game will softlock and lose focus when clicking on "Continue" in the [create new account] screen when information is entered but not confirmed in one of the first four fields. - Corrected number of laps in Knockout race event in Blacklist 15. - Fixed problem where users are disconnected from LAN after finishing a race. - Fixed issue with backround disappearing when mouse clicking the "Statistics" button during the Hurry Up timer. - Fixed a crash in the Foreign Registration Alert screen if the user clicks the back button. - Fixed a crash when backing out and re-entering the Rap Sheet using the mouse. - Clicking the back button during the Rap Sheet intro now returns the user to the Main Menu. - Fixed issue with the interior of the car sometimes disappearing during gameplay. - Fixed performance parts not showing up unless profile loaded.

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Просмотров: 2824
Рубрика: Hi-Tech

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