An Aluminium Smelter to be Built in Sakhalin

Пятница, 25 января 2008 г.

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The first in 2008 meeting of journalists with Mr. A. Khoroshavin, Governor of the Sakhalin Region was held at the Administration of the Sakhalin region. Mr. A. Khoroshavin announced that building of an aluminium smelter in the Uglegorsk region was important for Sakhalin. It was discussed at the negotiations with Russian Aluminium. A memorandum has been signed between Russian Aluminium and the Administration of the Sakhalin region and a joint letter has been sent to the Ministry of Regional Development about a joining financing of the project. This project also requires building of a power station of 1.200 thou Mwt.

The number of employees of the aluminium smelter could be 5-6 thou, taking into account their family members, the smelter would form a town of 15-20 thou people. The cost of the project is estimated at 100 bln rubles. 45 blm will be invested by RUSAL, 25 bln rubles could be invested by the administration of the region. The deficit of 30 bln rubles should be covered by other investments.

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Просмотров: 1045
Рубрика: Металлургия

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