UK Coal boosts its profitability

Среда, 5 сентября 2007 г.

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Pre-tax profit for the six months to 30 June rose 143% to &;40.6m, against &;16.7m for the same period last year. Its results were also boosted by the strength of its property portfolio, which is now worth &;398m. The UK"s largest mining company, it operates four deep mines in the north of England, and seven surface mines, employing 3,500 people in total. "These good results demonstrate the considerable progress UK Coal has made in the first half of the year," said chairman David Jones. "We have significantly increased the value of our property business, strengthened the operating performance and prospects of our mining businesses, more than doubled pre-tax profits and significantly grown the value of net assets per share." UK Coal also announced that finance director Chris Mawe will step down from his position on 17 September and be replaced by David Brocksom, the former finance director of Pace Micro Technology.

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