Tajikistan to Supply 50,000 Tonnes of Alumina to Azerbaijan Annually

Среда, 22 августа 2007 г.

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Det.Al.Metal (Azerbaijan) and ТALCO management Ltd (Tajikistan) signed a framework agreement to extend cooperation in the field of aluminium production.

Giandzha Alumina Complex annually supplies 300,000 tonnes of alumina to Tajik Aluminium Company (TALCO).  

Under the agreement, Tajikistan will provide Azerbaijan with more than 50,000 tonnes of aluminium oxide. In five years, the annual turnover between the two countries will rise to USD 500-700m.

According to Azerbaijan President Ilham Alijev, the country is ready to attract USD 100m of investments to export 150,000-160,000 tonnes of aluminium under Azeral TM per year.

The world price of aluminium is about USD 2,700 per tonne, and the annual demand makes up 33m tonnes. New production facilities enabled Sumgayit Plant for Nonferrous Metals (Azeraluminium JSC) to expand its capacity to 60,000 tpy. At the same time, Giandzha Alumina Complex increased alumina output to 423,600 tpy. Moreover, it is planned to build a new alumina plant with a capacity of 100,000 tpy.

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