Mr Putin expects extra measures stimulating economy from goverment

Среда, 19 июня 2013 г.

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Mr Vladimir Putin president of Russian said that he expects the government to take extra measures to stimulate the national economy in the near future, but Russia is not going to start a currency emission process.

Mr Putin said that "I hope the Russian government, after our numerous meetings, will propose extra steps to stimulate economic development."

He said that "The Russian economy is quite healthy, and it is not burdened by external debt comparable to what Europe has. Our budget is deficit free."

He added that "Our situations are different. Surely, we can use oil and gas revenues. But I would like to point out that we don"t have a printing machine for reserve currencies, while they do. And the situation is not about us having oil and gas revenues and hence reserves, but about limiting our expenditures."

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Просмотров: 1470
Рубрика: Металлургия

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