Crisis will not restrain the development of zinc market

Среда, 27 мая 2009 г.

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The economic crisis undermined zinc market: a decline in metal prices, demand reducing of consuming industries (the most important of which are the construction and autoprom) etc. However, the negative outlook only delays for time, but not stops its further development.  

As Mr. Raymond E. Sempels, Executive Director of The International Zinc Association - Europe, remarked at the seminar «The technology of continuous galvanizing» (Zinc Development Center is organized with the assistance of Metal Supply and Sale Magazine), in the past few years, the consumption of zinc in the world increased from an average annual rate of  2.1 % -4.5%.

In the same conditions of current demand for zinc is significantly reduced. This level of consumption of this metal in Eastern Europe (it includes Russia) does not exceed 1.7 kg per 1 person, whereas in the United States this figure is 3.4 kg, in Western Europe - 5.9 kg.

Therefore, in the opinion of Raymond E. Sempels, Russia has a market of great potential for growth, of course, after the elimination of the economic crisis.

 Prospects for market development and production of zinc in Russia will be discusse by participants at the 2-nd International Conference «Russian Market of non-ferrous metals», which will be held on November, 9 in Moscow"s President Hotel.

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Просмотров: 960
Рубрика: Металлургия

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