Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов


A B C D E F J H I j K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
транспортная накладная (на груз, товар) ;

wage-workerwages and hours legislation
wages and salarieswages in kind
wages scalewaiver
waiver clausewaiver of obligations
waiver of prohibitionswaiver of right
waiver of right...want
want of goodswant of money
want of stockwant satisfaction
wants and needs of the consumerwar economy
warehouse bondwarehouse capacity
warehouse dueswarehouse keeper
warehouse manwarehouseing
warrantwarranted growth
warranted rate of growthwarrantor
wastewaste assets
waste coefficientwaste money
waste of capitalwaste of labour
waste of materialwaste products
waste utilizationwasted capacity
wastefulwasteful resource allocation
water resources developmentwater shipments
way-billweak market
wear and tearweighing coefficient
weightweight base
weighted arithmetic averageweighted average
weighted basketweighted by regional composition of export and import
weighted distributionweighted mean
weighted price indexweighted price number
weighted samplingweighting methods
weights and measureswelfare
welfare benefitswelfare compensation
welfare economicswelfare function
welfare paymentswelfare services
welfare statewell assorted stock
well-capitalizedWestern industrial economys
white collar employeeswhite-collar employees
white-collar workerswholesale
wholesale and export houseswholesale business
wholesale housewholesale margin
wholesale marketwholesale price
wholesale priceswholesale store
wholesale tradewholesaler
whollywholly fully owned subsidiary
wholly manufactured goodswholly owned subsidiary
wholly unemployedwide-collar productivity
widening gap between the developed and the developing countrieswild-cat strike
windowwindow dressing
window shoppingwithdraw
withdraw a creditwithdraw an order
withdraw depositswithdraw from circulation
withdrawalwithdrawal benefit
withdrawal of capitalwithdrawals of gold
withdrawn fundswithhold
withholding taxeswork
work accidentswork activitys
work allocationwork by the day
work by the piecework collective
work for hirework for line
work forcework in process
work in progresswork intensity
work loadwork measurement
work on loanwork overtime
work schedulework standardization
work stationwork study
work study manwork task
work ticketworker
worker"s councilworker"s crew
worker"s gangworker"s self-management
worker"s suggestionsworker"s team
workers on shot timeworkers placement
workers profit sharingworkers self- management
workingworking ability
working agreementworking assets(s)s
working capacityworking capital
working capital (cash, notes and accounts receivable,working conditions
working costsworking cycle
working expendituresworking hours
working loadworking losses
working methodworking of a patent
working orderworking period
working placeworking population
working securityworking shift
working standardworking year
workman"s compensationworks demand note
works fundworks manager
worldWorld bank
world commerceworld economic outlook
world economic situationworld economic survey
world economyworld Food Council
world Food Programmeworld food security
world food situationworld food stocks
world marketworld market prices
world market ratesworld monetary situation
world payment situationworld prices
world productionworld trade
world trade equilibriumworld-wide novelty
write-offwrite-off bad debts
write-off for tear and wearwrite-off ten-off value
written down costswritten off costs
written off value 
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