Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов

set of coefficients

A B C D E F J H I j K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
набор коэффициентов ;

safe customersafe investment
safe land usesafeguard
safeguard clausesafeguard goods attached
safeguard local industries against outside competitionsafeguard measure
safeguard principlesafeguard provision
safetysafety arrangement
safety coefficientsafety engineering
safety factorsafety margin
safety specificationssalaried
salaried employeesalaried employees
salaried mansalaried managers
salaried officerssalaried servant
salaried staffsalaries accounting
salarysalary and wages of locally recruited staff
salary earnerssalary increments
salary levelsalary rates
salary scalesalary scales and allowances
salary scales andallowancessalary workers
salarys accountingsalarys of international staff
salesale branch
sale by commissionsale for cash
sale on creditsale on the job lot basis
sale pricesaleable
saleable articlessaleable obligations
saleex-factorysales account
sales agentsales cartel
sales contractsales cost
sales forcesales forecast
sales managersales outlets
sales pressuresales promotion
sales representativesales tax
sales valuesalvage
salvage valuesample
sample areasample census
sample coefficientsample data
sample designsample method
sample sizesample survey
sample unitsampling
sampling averagesampling error
sampling methodsampling ratio
sampling unitsatisfy
satisfy a claimsatisfy an agreement
satisfy an obligationsatisfy demand
saturation pointsave
save expendituressaving
saving accountsaving and loans association
saving banksaving bonds
saving clausesaving deposits
saving energysavings account
savings banksavings deposit
savings institutionsscale
scale downscale economy
scale economysscale effect
scale of assessmentsscale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of th
scale of assessments for the financial years...scale of charges
scale of investmentscale of living
scale of operationscale of wages
scale upscant
scant demandscant means
scant supplyscanty supply
scarcescarce goods
scarce inputsscarce raw materials
scarcityscarcity of money
scarcity of suppliesscarcity of supplys
scarcity pricescarcity value
scatterscattered consumer
scattered consumptionscenario
scheduleschedule items
schedule maintenanceschedule of post adjustments
schedule workscheduling
schemescheme of preferences
school yearscientific advances
scientific adviserscientific and technical achievements
scientific communityscientific management
scopescope for investment
scope of activityscope of an inquiry
screeningscreening procedure
screening proceduresSDR
SDR denominatedSDRs 3 million
sea-borne shippingsearch
search filesearch file of patents
search reportsearch report patents
seasonseason fluctuations
season indexseason trade
season unemploymentseason variation
seasonal analysisseasonal fluctuations
seasonal labourseasonal unemployment
seasonal variationsseasonal, cyclical and trend price movement
seasonally adjustedseasonally adjusted data
seasonly adjustedseat
seat of activityseat of business
seat of the companysecond
secondary activitysecondary Eurocurrency market
secondary liquiditysecondary market
secondary productionsecondary products
secondary strikesecondhand durabless
sector analysissectoral interests
sectoral investmentssectoral planning
sectorial rates of growthsectorial studys
secular movementsecular stagnation
securesecure an order
secure foreign currencysecure profits
secureed loanSecurities and exchange Commission SEC
securities holdingssecurities market
securitysecurity broker
security capitalsecurity interest
security of tenuresecurity portfolio
securitys analystsecuritys and Exchange Commission
securitys brokersecuritys holdings
securitys salessecuritys yield
seed capitalseed capital loans
self assessment tax systemself-
self- actingself- adjusting
self- balancingself- cancelling item
self- consumptionself- contained
self- correction of exchange rateself- cost price
self- employed farmersself- employed owners of business
self- employed professionalsself- financing enterprises
self- financing organizationsself- liquidating
self- managementself- reliance
self- returning depositsself- service
self- service storeself- sufficient
self- sufficient farmingself- sufficient nation
self- sufficient regionself- supporting population
self- supporting unitself- sustained growth
self-assessment tax systemself-canceling item
self-cancelling itemself-correction of exchange rates
self-cost priceself-costss
self-financing enterprisesself-financing organization
self-generating business cyclesself-help principle
self-liquidateing loanself-liquidateing purchases
self-liquidating loanself-liquidating purchases
self-made entrepreneurself-management
self-regulating equilibriumself-returning deposit
self-sufficient farmsself-supporting unit
self-sustained economyself-sustained growth
sellsell a bill of goods
sell at a cost pricesell at a discount
sell at a losssell at a premium
sell below costsell hard
sell readilysell retail
sell short for future deliveryseller
seller"s marketsellers" market
sellers" pricesselling
selling an administrative expensessselling arrangements
selling cost priceselling costs
selling costs per unitselling outlays
selling priceselling rate
selling valuesemi-
semi- annualsemi- automatic drawing rights
semi- finished goodssemi- finished products
semi- manufactured goodssemi- products
semi- sensitive importssemi- skilled
semi-automatic drawing rightssemi-durable goods
semi-sensitive importsemi-sensitive list
semi-skilled laboursemiluxuries
semiskilled workerssenior
senior partnersenior stock
seniorityseniority pay
seniority rightssensitive
sensitive goodssensitive imports
sensitive listsensitivity
sensitivity analysissensitivity test
separationseparation pay
separation paymentsequestration
serialserial number
serial productionseries
service ability of productservice benefit
service chargesservice conditions
service dataservice department
service equipmentservice exports
service feesservice imports
service industryservice industrys
service instructionservice labour force
service lifeservice manual
service markservice pension
service shopservice speed
service staffservice station
serviceabilityserviceability of goods
serviceableserviceable life
serviceing staffservices of land
services pricesservices provided by improvements
services to visitorsservicetrades
servicingservicing facilities
servicing of debt principal and interestset
set -upset back
set of activitiesset of activitys
set of coefficientsset of preferences
set up an accountsets of data
settingsetting in motion
setting up new industrial capacitiessetting up of buffer stocks within the framework of commodity ar
settlesettle a claim
settle a debtsettle a difference
settle an accountsettle compensation by ...
settle compensation by lawsettle dispute
settlementsettlement account
settlement departmentsettlement house
settlement of a debtsettlement of an account
settlement pricesettlement rate
settlement termsSeven Sisters
severanceseverance compensation pay
severesevere competition
severe losssextile
shadowshadow capacityies
shadow pricesshady
shady dealshare
share capitalshare cropper
share holdershare holders meeting
share holders" interestshare in a business
share in the profitshare index
share marketshare of stock
share warrantshareholders interest
shares subscribed...sharing
sheetsheltered market
shiftshift boss
shift engineershift index
shift manshift master
shift taskshift work
shifting investment patternshifting of man power
shifts of commodity flowsship
ship of 1000 tons burdenshipment
shipping adviceshipping agency
shipping companyshipping conference
shipping costsshipping day
shipping documentsshipping instructions
shipping lineshipping lines
shipping ordershipping season
shipping tonshock work
shopshop around
shop chairmanshop committee
shop costshop manager
shop officeshop overhead
shop ping centershop ping hours
shop ping listshop price
shop stewardshop training
shop transportationshop work
short allowanceshort cut
short cut methodshort date
short handshort interest
short interest rateshort life
short loanshort run production
short tonshort-handed
short-run analysisshort-run cyclical swings
short-term (foreign) fundsshort-term and long-term capital movements
short-term appointmentshort-term assets(s)s
short-term creditshort-term debt
short-term deficitshort-term forecasting
short-term forecastsshort-term projection
short-term ratesshort-time employment
shortfallshortfall in wheat production
shortterm capital advances to the rest of the worldshot-term rates
sick leavesick list statistics
sick-listsick-list statistics
sicknesssickness benefit
sickness insuranceside-line
side-line-productionsight liabilities
simplesimple analytical developments
simple arbitrationsimple correlation
simple interestsimple quantity
simple regressionsimple reproduction
simple samplesimplex
simplex methodsimulation
simulation modelsimulator
singlesingle action
single controlsingle cost
single digit inflationsingle fare
single part productionsingle rate
single resource countriessingle sampling
single standardsingle system
single taxsingle unit enterprise
single-child plantssingle-entry book-keeping
single-payment loanssingle-plant firm
single-use goodssink
sink a debtsink in price
sink into povertysinking
sinking fundsite
situs problemsize distribution of enterprises
size distribution of firmssize of establishment
size of the economysize of the market
skew distributionskill
skill differentialskill formation
skill mix of the labour forceskill requirements
skill-intensive productsskilled labour
skilled tradeskilled worker
slackslack capacityies use
slack demandslack economy
slack periodslacken
slackening in the rate of economic growthslackness
slackness of businessslashing
slidingsliding scale
sliding scale pricessliding scale tariff
sliding-scale pricesslow
slow assetsslow down
slow down strikeslowing down
slowness of businesssluice-gate price
slumpslump in demand
slump in priceslump inflation
smallsmall business
small demandsmall entrepreneur
small grainssmall industry
small maintenancesmall match production
small-scale industrysmall-scale production
smaller contributorsSmithsonian
Smithsonian rate structureSmithsonian realignment
socialsocial actions
social assistancesocial assistance grants
social benefitssocial consumption
social consumption fundssocial contributions
social costsocial differentiation
social escalatorsocial facilitys
social funds for consumptionsocial hygiene
social insurancesocial investment
social legislationsocial mobility
social opportunity cost of laboursocial opportunity value
social overhead capitalsocial owner-ship
social propertysocial ranking
social relationssocial security
social security benefitssocial security payments
social security systemsocial services
social set-upsocial statistics
social statussocial time discounts
social wantssocial wealth
social welfaresocial welfare measures
social welfare policysocial-accounting methods
socialistsocialist community
socialist economysocialist emulation
socialist integrationsocialist market
socialist organisationsocialist planning
socialist relationssocialist way of life
softsoft business conditions
soft creditssoft currency
soft demandsoft lending
soft loansoft money
soft technologysoft terms
soft windowsoft-ware
soft-ware costsoftness
solesole agency
sole corporationsole licence
sole licensesole owner
sole proprietorshipsole representative
sole rightsolvency
solventsound budget procedure
sound investmentssoundness of a loan
source of supplysources and uses of funds
sources of datasourcing
spacespace heating
space locationspace planning
span of mortgagespare
spare capacityiesspare capital
spare no expensespare parts
spare the timesparing
spatialspatial distribution of economic activity
spatial flows of commodities and populationspatial juxtaposition economys
spatial locationspatial planning
spatial relationsspatial spread
spatial unitspecial
Special drawing rightsspecial duty
special facility to extend credits and subsidize interest chargespecial financial appropriation
special planningspecial purpose programme
special temporary assistance creditspecial transit dues
specialisationspecialisation in production
specialist managersspeciality crops
specialized agencysspecialized crops
speciespecie payment
specie pointspecific
specific capacityspecific loss
specific outputspecific weight
specificationspecification limit
specification of qualityspecifications performance
specified farm expendituresspeculation
speculativespeculative gains
speculative productionspeed
speed upspeed-up system
spending patternspending unit
spendt timesphere
spin-offspin-off firm
spiralling costssspiralling price
spirit of enterprisesponsor
spouse allowancespreading out of investment projects
square root meansqueeze
stabilization fundstabilize
stabilizerstable consumer wants
staffstaff department
staff managerstaff of the Secretariat
staff reductionstaff requirements
staffingstaffing requirements
stage of expansionstages of economic growth
stagflationstagnant economy
stagnationstagnation of business
stagnation of economystamp
stamp paperstamp tax
stand-bystand-by arrangement
stand-by arrangementsstand-by charges
stand-by creditstand-by equipment
stand-steel provisionstand-still clause
stand-still principlestandard
standard accounting practicesstandard accounts
standard apportionment techniquestandard articles
standard contractstandard cost
standard costing practicestandard costss
standard errorstandard foods
standard International Trade ClassificationStandard International Trade classification (SITC)
Standard international Trade Classification SITCstandard measure
standard methodsstandard necessaries of life
standard necessities of lifestandard of living
standard of pricestandard of well-being
standard outputstandard practice
standard procedurestandard residential population
standard stockstandard time
standardizestandardized budget of production and earnings
standardized coefficient ratestandardized commodity(ies)
standardized consumption patternstandardized system of national accounts
standards of accommodation for official travel of UN staff by aistandards of consumption
standards of guidancestandards of management
standards of planningstandards of safety in the transportation of goods
standby capacityiesstandby credit
standingstanding body
standing committeestanding invitation
standing orderstanding price
standing timestandstill
standstill clausestandstill principle
standstill provisionstaple
staple cropsstaple diet
staple exportsstaple food
staple pricesstart
start upstarting
starting expensesstarting period
starting pricestarting rate
starting wagestate
state enterprisestate farms
state monetary and fiscal measuresstate of the art
state of the marketstate procurement
state-owned enterprisesstated
stated dividendsstated office hours
stated salarystatement
statement analysisstatement of account
statement of chargesstatement of costs
statement of equipmentstatement of financial implications
statement of requirementsstatement of requirements by department and office
static circular flow modelstatic model
statisticalstatistical abstract
statistical agencystatistical analysis
statistical appraisalstatistical authorities
statistical compilationsstatistical discrepancys
statistical economiststatistical facilities
statistical facilitystatistical framework
statistical handbookstatistical knowledge
statistical measuresstatistical population
statistical predicatestatistical probability
statistical problemstatistical processing
statistical samplingstatistical series
statistical surveystatistical treatment
statistical un- certaintystatistical uncertainty
statistical unitstatistical weight
status goodsstatus of the account
statutestatute of association
statute of liminationstatute roll
statutory depreciation chargesstatutory law
statutory obligationsstatutory requirements
steady developmentsterilization of preferences
sterling areastock
stock accountingstock bill
stock brokerstock company
stock exchangestock holder
stock in treasurystock insurance company
stock investmentstock issue
stock levelstock market
stock market performancestock model
stock movementsstock of capital
stock of capital goodsstock of money
stock of ordersstock of un- finished investment undertakings
stock of unfinished investment undertakingsstock option
stock pilingstock price
stock promotionstock record
stock remainderstock status report
stock subscription rightstock turnover
stock-holder"s equitystock-intake ratio
stock-takingstocking arrangements
stocks of assets(s)sstocks of input
stocks of inputsstocks of outputs
stopstop delivery
stop-gap creditstoppage
storable commodity(ies)storage
storage capacitystorage charges
storage costsstorage facilities
storage facilitysstorage fee
storage goodsstorage on hand
storage service of enterprisestorage transport
storestore house
store keeperstore of value
store roomstore unit
stored accumulated errorstored error
stores requisitionstraight
straight bill of ladingstraight line
straight line depreciationstraight loan
straight piece ratestraight piece wage
straight-line method of depreciationstraight-time rate
straining of capacityiesstrains
stratified samplingstrike
structuralstructural adjustment
structural changesstructural comparison
structural concentrationstructural designer
structural engineeringstructural industries
structural industrysstructural sectors
structural transformationstructural unemployment
subcontractingsubmission of returns
subrogation of rightssubscription
subscription of stocksubsets of accounts
subsidiarysubsidiary company
subsidiary earningssubsidiary farming
subsidiary individual holdingssubsidiary industry
subsidiary ledgersubsidiary legal entity
subsidiary moneysubsidiary plants
subsidiary productionsubsidiary shop
subsidisesubsidized exports
subsidysubsidy account
subsidy for interest on borrowed fundssubsistence
subsistence agriculturesubsistence allowance
subsistence consumptionsubsistence economy
subsistence farmersubsistence farming
subsistence farmssubsistence level
subsistence minimum wagesubsistence output
subsistence productionsubstandard
substantive staffsubstitute
substitute goodssubstituted data
substitutionsubstitution account
substitution effectsubstitution of foreign goods for domestic
substitution ratesubstitutions among inputs
sufficient disclosuresufficient disclosure of invention
summary book-keepingsummary data
summary standardssummary table
summary-standardssunk costss
superannuation fundsuperannuation pension
supervisorysupervisory board
supervisory controlsupervisory training
suppliersupplier of technology
supplies of the capitalsupply
supply a demandsupply a need
supply a wantsupply agencies
supply agreementsupply and disappearance of grain
supply and disappearance of...supply and disposition of goods and services
supply bottlenecksupply constraint
supply constraintssupply curve
supply depotsupply fixity of land
supply functionsupply of money
supply pricesupply statistics
supply-demand situationsupply-side assumption
supply-side economicssupply-sider
supportsupport of price
support pricesupported by charity
supported pricesupported rate
supporting datasupreme economic authority
surplus accountsurplus capacityies
surplus commoditiessurplus countries
surplus earningssurplus economy
surplus fundsurplus funds
surplus laboursurplus on current transaction
surplus on current transactionssurplus population
surplus producesurplus profit
surplus valuesurrender the balance of appropriations
survey designsurvey of current business
surveyorsurveys of the salary rates
survivor benefitsurvivors pension
suspendsuspend an account
suspensionsuspension of business
suspension of convertibilitysuspension of the gold standard
sustainsustain a loss
sustain ablesustain employment
sustain growthsustained benefits
sustained expansionsustained growth
sustained growth of the world economyswap
swap creditsswaps
sweated laboursweatee
swing creditswing the market
switchswitch dealer
switch overswitchings of jobs
syndicatesyndicate a loan
syndicated loansynoptic tables
synthetic accountingsystem
system designersystem of adjustments to benefits in payment
system of economic equilibriumSystem of national Accounts
System of National accounts (SNA)system of notation
system of private enterpriseSystem of Social Demographic statistics
system of Social-Demographic Statisticssystem specific technology
system-to-system comparisonsystematic
systematic errorsystems approach
systems designer 
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