rack | racket |
racketeer | radio service |
rail | rail consignement note |
rail consignment note | rail shipments |
railways freight traffic | raise |
raise a claim | raise a loan |
raise charity | raise funds |
raise money | raise money on something |
raise takes | raise taxes |
raise to a power | rally |
random | random distribution |
random error | random experiment |
random numbers | random sample |
random sampling | random sampling error |
random value | random variable |
range | range of deviation |
range of error | range of patterns |
range of stability | range of variation |
range of yield fluctuations | rank |
ranked data | ranking |
rate | rate at the close of the day |
rate cutting | rate discrimination |
rate of accumulation | rate of capacityies utilization |
rate of capital formation | rate of change |
rate of consumption | rate of delivery |
rate of delivery of a program | rate of depreciation |
rate of discount | rate of discounting |
rate of dividend on shares | rate of effective protection |
rate of exchange | rate of growth |
rate of interest | rate of investment |
rate of issue | rate of loading |
rate of pay | rate of profit |
rate of protection | rate of replacement |
rate of return | rate of return on assets(s)s |
rate of return on stock-holders equity | rate of salary |
rate of saving | rate of tariff |
rate of turnover | rate of turnover of inventory |
rate of unemployment | rate scale |
rate setting | rate slashing |
rate war | rate-slashing |
rated | rated capacity |
rated power | rated value |
rates of assessment | rates of charges |
rates of investment | rates of wages |
rating | ratio |
ratio of capital replacement | ratio of capital to labour |
ratio of capital to output | ratio of corporate liquidity |
ratio of current assets to current liabilities | ratio of fixed assets to net worth |
ratio of labour to output | ratio of margin to sales |
ratio of net profits to net worth | ratio of plant to net worth |
ratio of profit to sales | ratio of reserves to liabilities |
rational use | rationing |
rationing arrangements | ratios of capital costss |
raw | raw cotton |
raw data | raw materials |
raw produce | raw products |
raw rice | raw sugar |
reach ceiling | reading |
ready | ready cash |
ready made | ready money |
real | real accumulation |
real assets(s)s | real balance |
real estate | real estate bank |
real estate loan | real estate mortgage |
real estate tax | real estate trusts |
real goods | real income movement of remuneration |
real investment | real property |
real resources | real retail sale |
real retail sales | real saving |
real-estate market | real-time computer |
realignment | realistic plan |
realization | realization of goods |
realize | rebate |
receipient | receipient country |
receipient of technology | receipt |
receipt book | receipts |
receipts and expenses | receipts from and payments on investment |
receipts from custom duties taxes and other protective measures | receipts of factors of production |
receipts tax | receiptss and expenses |
receiptss from custom duties taxes and other protective measures | receiptss of factors of production |
receiptss tax | receivable |
receivable-payable basis of accounting | receivables |
receive goods into custody | receiver |
receiver of technology | receiving |
receiving act | receiving state |
recession | recession in demand |
recessionary | recessionary tendencies |
recipient countries | reciprocal |
reciprocal clause | reciprocal concessions |
reciprocal contract | reciprocal credit lines |
reciprocal principle | reciprocal privileges |
reciprocal provision | reciprocal trade agreement |
reciprocal value | reclaim |
reclaim capital goods | reclaim land |
reclamation | reclamation of barren |
reclamation of barren land | reclamation of land |
reclassifications of posts | recompense |
reconcile | reconcile accounts |
reconcile classifications | reconcile total inflow and total outflow |
reconciliation | reconciliation of totals |
reconstruction | record |
recorded data | recorded output |
recorded unemployment | records management |
recover | recover damages |
recover debts | recovery |
recovery of damages | recovery phase in the cycle |
recreation services | recreational facility |
recurrent | recurrent expenses |
recurring | recurring costs |
recurring costss | recurring debt |
recycle | recycling |
recycling crisis | recycling of oil revenues |
recycling of petrodollars | recycling of wastes |
recycling of wasts | red |
red ink | red meat consumption |
redeem | redeem a debt |
redeem the currency in gold | redemption |
redemption date | redemption of debt |
redemption price | redemption value |
redeployment of staff | reduced price |
reducing balance | reducing balance depreciation |
reduction coefficient | reduction in staff |
redundant equipment | refered liabilities |
reference | reference book |
reference cycle | reference data |
reference date | reference language |
reference performance | reference period |
reference posted price | reference price |
reference providing information system | reference retrieval |
reference standard | reference year |
reference-providing information system | refinance |
refinancing | refinancing of past debts |
reflationary measures | reflationary policy |
refugee capital | refund |
refund department | refund the excess amounts paid |
refunding issues of securities | refunding issues of securitys |
refuse any credits | regional and subregional advisory services |
regional duty equalization | regional interests |
regional pattern | regional premium rate |
regional premium rates | register |
register of properties | register of propertys |
register of shareholders | register office |
register ton | registered (authorized) capital |
registered capital | registered mail |
registered securitys | registered trade mark |
registered unemployment | registration |
registration fee | registration fee of a patent |
registration is required at establishment | registry |
regression | regression analysis |
regression by semilogarithmic trends | regression equation |
regressive | regressive levys |
regressive tax | regular budget assessments |
regular establishment | regular labour |
regular labourer | regular lending programmes |
regulation | regulatory agencys |
rehabilitate | rehabilitation |
reimburse | reimbursement |
reimbursement of expenses | reimbursement of national income taxation |
reimbursement of overhead costs | reinvest |
reinvestment | reinvestment allowance |
reinvestment allowances | reinvestment of profits |
reject | reject a bid |
reject a claim | reject goods |
rejected goods | rejection |
rejects | relation |
relative | relative amount of costs |
relative costs | relative efficiency |
relative error | relative indicators |
relative prices | relative share |
releasable debt | reliability |
reliability of estimates | reliability of statistical data |
reliable data | reliable figures |
relief | relief cat |
relief from fine | relief fund |
relief works | relieve |
remain | remain flat |
remain on hand | remainder |
remaining life of equipment | remission |
remission of a claim | remission of taxes |
remittance | remittance of royalties |
remittance of royalty | remittance schedule |
remittance shedule | remittances for payments of profit of private foreign investment |
remote control | remove an attachment |
remunerate | remuneration |
remuneration assets | remuneration for over-time and for work on Sundays and public ho |
remuneration of collective farm members | remuneration of labour |
remunerative | remunerative business |
remunerative price | remunerative work |
render an account against | renegotiation of debt |
renew | renewable |
renewal | renewal fee of a patent |
renewal schemes | rent |
rent control | rent strike |
rent-free | rental |
rental agency | rental rate |
rental rates | rental value |
rental value of owner-occupied dwellings | rented farm |
rented land | renter |
rentier | reopen exchange market |
reorganized budget statements | repair |
repair a damage | repair a loss |
repair and maintenance | repair bill |
repair depot | repair parts |
repair shop | repairing shop |
reparation | reparation of loss |
repatriate | repatriate dividends |
repatriate profit | repatriated bond |
repatriated bonds | repatriation |
repatriation of capital | repatriation of foreign investment |
repatriation of profit | repatriation of profits |
repatriation rights | repay |
repayable | repayment |
repayment in kind | repayment in product |
repayment of debt | repeal |
repeal of a patent | repeated unemployment |
replace | replaceable |
replacement | replacement cost method of depreciation |
replacement cost of capital | replacement cost of equipment |
replacement costs | replacement cycles |
replacement funds | replacement investment |
replacement of capital items | replacement of losses |
replacement parts | replacement reserve |
replenish | replenish the stock |
replenishment | replenishment of stock |
report | report of the board |
report on budgetary situation | report on the account |
reported data | reporting |
reporting form | reporting period |
reporting system | reporting unit |
reporting year | repossess |
representative data | representative sample |
reproduce | reproducible assets(s)s |
reproductible | reproduction |
reproduction costss of in-session documentation | reproduction process |
reproduction rate | repudiation |
repudiation of a contract | repudiation of a debt |
request | request for payment |
request for respite | requirement |
requirements of the market | requisite |
requisite capital | requisition |
resale | resale price |
research | research and development (R & D) |
research grant | research project |
research-intensive products | reservation |
reservation of a right | reservation of profits |
reserve | reserve allocations |
reserve balance | reserve balances |
reserve capacity | reserve capacityies |
reserve capital | reserve currency |
reserve for bad debt | reserve for debt redemption |
reserve for depreciation | reserve for doubtful accounts |
reserve for extensions | reserve fund |
reserve fund investments | reserve funds |
reserve holdings | reserve positions in IMF |
reserve price | reserve ratio |
reserve stocks | reserve title to the goods in the seller |
reserves for taxes | residence |
resident | resident abroad |
resident alien | resident company |
resident population | residential |
residential building | residential construction |
residential land | residential quarters |
residential rental | residual demand |
resource | resource allocation |
resource development | resource endowment |
resource industry | resource poor country |
resource use patterns | resources derived from the sea |
resources endow | respite |
respite days | respondent |
rest of | rest of the world account |
rest of the world commodity account | restitution |
restriction | restrictive |
restrictive business practices | restrictive clause |
restrictive condition | restrictive exemption clause |
restrictive marketing arrangements | restrictive monetary policy |
restrictive trade practices | restructure |
restructuring | resulting flows |
resulting salary scales | retail |
retail business | retail charges |
retail goods | retail margin |
retail market | retail price |
retail sale | retail sales |
retail store | retail trade |
retail trade system | retail trade turnover |
retailing | retailing charges |
retailing costss per unit of sales | retailor |
retain | retained earnings |
retained import | retained net profit |
retainer | retaining fee |
retaliation | retention |
retire | retire a bill |
retirement | retirement allowance |
retirement benefit | retirement of assets |
retirement of assets(s)s | retirement of bonds |
retirement of securities | retirement of securitys |
retirement pay | retirement pension |
retraining | retraining grants |
retraining of workers | retrenchment |
retrospective balance | return |
return cargo | return fare |
return on equities | return on equitys |
return to the factor | returns to factors of production |
revaluation | revaluation of assets(s) |
revalue | revalue of assets |
revenue | revenue account |
revenue bonds | revenue curve |
revenue duty | revenue officer |
revenue stamp | revenue tariff |
reverse | reverse engineering |
reverse preferences | reverse transfer of technology |
reversion | reversion of rights |
reversion of rights to... | revised scales of salaries |
revocation | revocation of a licence |
revocation of a license | revocation of a patent |
revocation of investment permits | revolving |
revolving capital | revolving credit |
revolving fund | reward |
rice, rough basis | right |
right the balance of payment | rights under guarantee |
rigidity in prices | rising (falling) business activity |
risk | risk capital |
risk manager | risks of investment |
rival | rival firm |
rival supply | roll |
roll over a debt | rolling adjustment |
rolling capital | rolling over of a debt |
rolling plan | rolling stock |
rough | rough balance |
rough design | rough estimate |
rough shaping | rough work |
roughly comparable | rounding error |
rounding of data | routine |
routine duty | routine maintenance |
routine management | routine of work |
routine order | routine practice |
routine work | royalty |
rule | ruleing price |
rules of origin | ruling price |
run | run a business |
run business | run idle |
run of items | run of the market |
run on a bank | run on coffee |
run on costs | run on rubber |
run-on-costss | runaway corporations |
runaway inflation | running |
running account | running expenses |
running expensess | running inventory |
running maintenance | running practice |
running repairs | rural electric cooperative (co-op) |
rural population | rural-urban movement |
rush season | |