Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов

market structure of the service trades

A B C D E F J H I j K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
структура рынка отраслей сферы услуг ;

M-1 (money-one)M-2 (money-two)
M-3 (money-three)machine
machine accountingmachine hour
machine layoutmachine load
machine powermachine shop
machine tabulation stationmachine time
machine workmachine-tool
machine-tool plantmachinery
machinery and equipmentmachinery of the UN system for administrative and budgetary cont
machinery partsmacro
macro analysismacro economic
macro economic statisticsmacro economics
macro statisticsmacroeconomic analysis
macroeconomic measuresmacroeconomics of monopolys
made-to-ordermagnetic drum computer
magnetic tape computermagnitude
magnitude of transactionsmagnitudes of the variables
mailmail order
mail order housemailing list
main aggregatemain areas of activity
maintainmaintain capital
maintain demandmaintain prices
maintain the accountsmaintaining of the establishment
maintenancemaintenance cost
maintenance crewmaintenance fee
maintenance instructionmaintenance of the real value of the currency reserves
maintenance operation and rental of premisesmaintenance services
maintenance workmaintenance-free
major alterationmajor contributors
major deficit countriesmajor depression
major items of physical infrastructuremajor land use suitability
major overhaulmajor social accounts
majoritymajority interest
majority ownershipmajority share holding
majority shareholdingmake
make a livingmake abatement
make advancemake an entry
make drawing uponmake good
make good readingmake provision in the budget estimates for ...
make provision of the budgetestimatesmake to order
make up the deficiencymake-up of the budget
make-up paymake-up work
manman efficiency
man in chargeman-assignment
man-hour outputman-hours of work
man-machine timeman-made
manageable levelmanaged currency
managed exchange ratemanaged money
managed paper currencymanagement
management and record keepingmanagement audit
management counsellormanagement decisions
management engineermanagement engineering
management expensesmanagement fee
management mechanismmanagement of demand
management overheads of stocksmanagement services
management structuremanagement system
managermanager of sale
manager of salesmanager-operated farm
managerialmanagerial and manufacturing capacity
managerial capacitymanagerial control
managerial efficiencymanagerial functions
managerial revolutionmanagerial services
managerial skillsmanagerial staff
managerial workersmanagerialskill
managers discretional fundmanaging
managing abilitymanaging director
managing engineermandatory sanctions
manifold classificationmanipulation of data
manning tablemanpower
manpower balancemanpower control
manpower programmanpower requirements
manpower resourcesmanpower skills
manpower utilization surveymanual
manual actingmanual employees
manual labourmanual work
manual worker postsmanual workers
manuallymanually operated
manufacturemanufacture for stock
manufacture managermanufactured consumer goods
manufactured goods (products)manufactured items
manufacturermanufacturers" agent
manufactures" sales branchmanufactures" store
manufacturingmanufacturing corporations
manufacturing cost determinationmanufacturing cycle
manufacturing employmentmanufacturing expenses
manufacturing industrymanufacturing licensee
manufacturing ordermanufacturing plant
manufacturing processmargin
margin of dumpingmargin of errors
margin of protectionmarginal
marginal analysismarginal balance
marginal businessmarginal capital/output ratio
marginal coefficientsmarginal concept
marginal cost of outputmarginal cost per unit
marginal cost producermarginal cost(s)
marginal curvesmarginal data
marginal desirabilitymarginal disutility
marginal efficiencymarginal efficiency of capital
marginal expendituresmarginal factor product
marginal inputmarginal input cost
marginal input unitmarginal labour
marginal landmarginal measures
marginal multipliermarginal opportunity costs
marginal physical productmarginal population
marginal preferencemarginal pricing
marginal productmarginal productivity
marginal propensity to ...marginal propensity to consume
marginal propensity to investmarginal rate
marginal rate of substitutionmarginal rate on return over cost
marginal ratio of capital to outputmarginal return
marginal revenuemarginal reward
marginal sacrificemarginal utility
marginal utility theorymarginal-product of labour
marginalismmargins of fluctuations
marine engineeringmarine insurance contracts
marital statusmaritime line
markmark down
mark-up (~-on)market
market aberrationmarket accessibility
market analysismarket areas
market availabilitymarket average
market basketmarket behavior
market behaviourmarket capacity
market cattlemarket condition
market demandmarket demand equation
market developmentmarket disruption
market economiesmarket economy
market expectationsmarket grain
market imperfectionmarket magnitudes
market modulemarket requirements
market researchmarket sensitive
market sharemarket structure of the service trades
market supplymarket survey
market theorymarket turnover
market valuemarket value of all goods and services produced
market value of outputmarket-sharing arrangements
marketable food outputmarketable goods
marketable grainsmarketable securities
marketable securitysmarketing
marketing agencymarketing agreements
marketing associationsmarketing charges
marketing conditionsmarketing cooperative
marketing cooperative (co-op)smarketing costss
marketing difficultiesmarketing expensess
marketing expertsmarketing functions
marketing opportunitiesmarketing outlets
marketing periodmarketing policy
marketing practicesmarketing research
marketing scientificmarriage settlement
massmass production markets
mass-produced standardized commodity(ies)smass-production
mastermaster budget
master cardmaster mechanic
master planmaster sample
master tablemaster the technique
master-planmatching contribution
matching principlematerial
material & non-material spheresmaterial advancement
material and non-material spheresmaterial and supplies
material balancematerial classification
material consumption (expense)material consumption rate
material costmaterial flow
material goodsmaterial handling
material incentivematerial inequality
material intakematerial interests
material manmaterial on hand
material procurementmaterial product system
material Products (balances) system (MPS)material recession
material requisitionmaterial saving
material spherematerial status
material use standardmaterial wealth
material welfarematerials distributor
materials supplys and work in processmaterials, supplies and work in process
materials, supplies and work in processоборотные фонды (материалmaternity benefit
maternity leavemathematical economist
mathematical programmingmathematical simulation
matrixmatrix algebra
matrix coefficientmatrix management
matrix notationmature
mature economymature economys
maturedmatured debt
maturingmaturing bonds
maturing debenturesmaturity
maximize earningsmaximum
maximum amountmaximum amount constraint
maximum conservation and storage periodsmaximum life method of depreciation
meanmean deviation
mean pricemean rate
mean timemean value
meansmeans conveyance
means of conveyancemeans of production
means of subsistencemeans of transfer of technology
means testmeasure
measure export fobmeasure import cif
measure import cif (c.i.f. - cost, insurance, freight)measure of economic welfare
measure of incomemeasure of value
measured gross domestic productmeasured product
measurementmeasurement data
measurement of outputmeasurement ton
measures having embargo effectsmeasures of concentration
measures of efficiencymeasures of social welfare
measures to control for inflationmeasuring
measuring techniquemeasuring tools
meatmeat packing
meat scrapmeat-animal production
mechanical actionmechanical arrangement
mechanical controlmechanical effect
mechanical efficiencymechanical engineer
mechanical engineeringmechanical engineering plant
mechanical shopmechanical treatment
mechanical workmechanics of economy
mechanismmechanism of international trade and finance
mechanization of accountingmechant bank
mediamedia analysis
media directormedia of exchange
media researchmedian
median valuemediate
medicare benefitmedium
medium incomemedium lived
medium of of exchangemedium price
medium qualitymedium sized
medium-size lot productionmedium-term
medium-term projectionmeet
meet a billmeet a demand
meet competitionmeet costss
meet current commitmentsmeet expenses
meet liabilitiesmeet qualifying standard
meet qualifying standardsmeet ready market
meet with an accidentmeeting
Member States are assessed on the basis of the net budgetmemorandum
memorandum of associationmemory
memory unitmental
mental arithmeticmental arithmetics
mental workmercantile
mercantile bankmercantile law
mercantile marinemercantile paper
merchandisemerchandise deficit
merchandise exchangemerchandise inventory
merchandise managermerchandise mark
merchandise marksmerchandise trade
merchandise turnovermerchandising
merchantmerchant bank
merchant fleetmerchant man
merchant marinemerchant ship
mergermergers and take overs
meritmerit increase
merit ratingmetal
metal industrymetal trades
metal workermetal working
metal working machinesmetallic and other mining
method of co-ordination by means of balancesmethods of accounting
methods of estimateing national incomemicroeconomic
microeconomic analysismicroeconomic level
middle classmiddle management
middle sizedmiddle-of-the-roaders
middle-stage processing for re-exportmiddleman
middleman distributormiddleman"s distribute margin
middleman"s distributive marginmiddling
migrantmigrant workers
migrant workers remittancesmigrant workers" remittances
migration element of population growthmigration flows
migration movementsmigration of capital
migration statisticsmill
mill constructionmill hand
mill superintendentmine
mine administrationmine superintendent
mineralmineral deposit
mineral mining enterprisemineral oil
mineral outputmineral prices
mineral rightsminimum housing standards
minimum of subsistenceminimum pay
minimum physiological needsminimum royaltys
minimum stockminimum unit capacityies
minimum wage legislationminimum working age
miningmining employment
mining outputmining shares
mining worksminor
minor contingency expensessminor cycles
minor damageminor repairs
minorityminority equity investment
minority foreign ownershipminority interest
minority ownershipminority share holding
mint paritymis-
mis- allocation of resourcesmis- application
mis- arrangementmis- calculation
mis- deliverymis- management
mis- readingmis- representation (of facts)
mis- usemis--judge
miscellaneousmiscellaneous goods
miscellaneous incomemiscellaneous manufacturing
misclassificationmisuse of the land
mixed economymixed enterprise
mixed farmingmixed farms
mixed general crop farmsmixed manned
mixed samplingmixed-maned
mobilemobile medical centre
mobile repairsmobility
mobility meansmodal area
modalitiesmodalities of lending
modemode of acquisition
mode of originmode of payment
mode of productionmodel
model agreementmodel area
model buildermodel building
model lawmodel law of invention
model law on inventionsmodel law on patents
model licensing agreementmodel of business cycle
model patternmodel pattern of conferences
model projectmodel provisions for national industrial property laws
modernization of productionmodernize
modes of carriagemodular-unit buildings
momentary pricemonetarism
monetary aggregatesmonetary and fiscal policies
monetary areamonetary authorities
monetary authoritymonetary circulation
monetary conditions were easedmonetary conditions were stiffened
monetary estimatesmonetary expansion
monetary factorsmonetary floor
Monetary Fund IMFmonetary gold
monetary incentivesmonetary indicators
monetary institutionsmonetary instruments
monetary measuresmonetary multiplier
monetary policymonetary reserves
monetary situationmonetary stock
monetary supplymonetary system
monetary transfer paymentsmonetary unit
moneymoney and credit in circulation
money capitalmoney down
money economymoney flows
money in cashmoney in circulation
money in circulation (currency in circulation)money in the pipeline
money income and expenditure of the populationmoney institutes
money institutionsmoney interest
money lend to abroadmoney lender
money lent abroadmoney management organizations
money marketmoney means
money measuresmoney no object
money of accountmoney on object
money ordermoney outlay
money paymentsmoney provision
money ratemoney receipts
money receiptssmoney reward
money savingmoney savings
money spotmoney squeeze
money supplymoney transfer
money turnovermoney velocity
money wagemoneyed interests
monitoring bodymonopolistic
monopolistic combinationmonopolistic competition theory
monopolymonopoly clause
monopoly degree ofmonopoly interests
monopoly practicemonopoly price
monopoly price fixingmonopoly price-fixing
monopoly suppliermonthly rate
morbiditymorbidity rate
more discriminate aid policiesmore discriminate policies
more intensive farming techniquesmore intensive methods
mortalitymortality rate
mortality tablemortality tables
mortgagemortgage account
mortgage bankmortgage bond
mortgage costsmortgage credit
mortgage foreclosuremortgage loan
mortgage retirementmortgage transactions
mortgaged farmmortgaged property
mortmainmost favoured nation
most favoured nation treatmentmost-favoured enterprise provision
most-favoured licencemost-favoured license clause
most-favoured-nation licencemother firm
motive power of social processmotives for holding money
mounting needsmovable
movable goodsmove
moveing averagemovement
movement certificatemovement in price
movement of outside salarymover
moving averagemoving equilibrium
moving index baseMPS
multimulti use
multi variatemulti-activity enterprise
multi-location enterprisemulti-stage sample
multi-unit enterprisemultiindustry firm
multilateral agreementmultilateral aid
multilateral assistancemultilateral comparison
multilateral guarantee facilitymultilateral payments system
multilateral trademultimodal transportation
multinational corporationsmultiplant corporations
multiplant firmsmultiple correlation
multiple croppingmultiple exchange rate
multiple ratemultiple regression
multiple samplingmultiple uses
multiplicandmultiplicity of rates
multipliermultiplier effect
multiplymultiply correlation
multiply currency practicesmultiply factory business
multiply machine operationmultiply management
multiply plant concernmultiply rate of exchange
multiply regressionmultiply sample
multiply shopsmultiply uses
multiply uses of structuresmultiproduct firm
multipurposemultishift work
multistage samplemultiuse
municipalmunicipal enterprise
municipal governmentmunicipal services
municipal transportationmutual
mutual benefitmutual benefit society
mutual fundsmutual insurance
mutual lendingmutual saving banks
mutual societymutually beneficial
mutually beneficial international economic cooperationmutually consistent data
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