Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов

governmental non-interference with business

A B C D E F J H I j K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
невмешательство государства в экономику ;

gaingain sharing
gainfulgainful employment
gainful occupationgainful workers
gainfully occupied populationgainings
gains in the capital fundgalloping inflation
ganggang boss
gang foremanganged
gapgap in the balance
gap in the datagarnishment
garnishment of wagesgauge
generalgeneral (operating) expensess
general accountantgeneral accounting
general administrative expensessgeneral agency
general agentgeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
general averagegeneral business situation
general cargogeneral census of population
general commission agentgeneral crop farm
general crop farmergeneral economic equilibrium
general employmentgeneral engineering
general equilibriumgeneral equilibrium of labour market
general estimategeneral expenses
general expenses itemsgeneral factor
general farmsgeneral foreman
general fundgeneral government (in SNA)
general government sectorgeneral government service
general labourgeneral layout
general least cost substitution principlegeneral ledger
general managergeneral meeting
general officegeneral overhaul
general overheadgeneral price level
general public services (in SNS)general purpose computer
general purpose typegeneral report
general service departmentgeneral service posts
general shipgeneral store
general strikegeneral stuff
general system theorygeneral temporary assistance
general term(s)general theory
general totalitygeneral unit of accounts
general workergeneral-overhead-type costss
generalizegeneralized financing agreements for stocks
generalized preference systemgenerate
generate employmentgenerateing in bulk
generationgeneration time
geological examinationgeometric
geometric averagegeometric average of prices
geometric distributiongeometric mean
gestation periodgift
gift taxgilt-edged securitys
giveaway programmesglobal
global average targetglobal communication system
global permitglobal quota
global quotasglobal slump
global totalglut
glutted marketgo into black
go to money market for fundsgo under-
goinggoing business
going concerngoing rate
going valuegoing wage
goldgold backing
gold bullion clausegold clause
gold covergold exchange monetary
gold exchange monetary systemgold exchange standard
gold flowsgold inflow
gold linkgold parity
gold pointgold points
gold poolgold reserve
gold reservesgold reserves drain
gold standardgold stock
gold substitutesgold tranche drawing rights
gold-bullion clausegold-exchange monetary system
gold-exchange standardgold-value clause
goodgood (risk) debtors
good bargaingood delivery
good officesgood ordinary brand
good titlegood will
goodsgoods carried
goods entering international tradegoods entering world trade
goods in circulationgoods in danger of being attached
goods in processgoods in transit
governing by objectivesgovernment
government activitysgovernment assets(s)s abroad
government consumptiongovernment consumption expenditure (in SNA)
government debtgovernment deficit
government employeegovernment enterprise
government interventiongovernment promotion
government receiptsgovernment receiptss
government regulationgovernment securities
government services (in SNA)government spending
government takegovernment workers
governmental non-interference with businessgrace
grace periodgrace period of a loan
gradegrade of quality
grade testinggraded
graded a taxgrading
graduategraduate course an economics (mathematics)
graduate studentgraduated income tax
graduationgraduation curve
graduation workgrain
grain basisgrain bill
grain equivalentgrain exchange
grain in bulkgrain pool
grain supplygrant
grant a patentgrant an allowance (discount)
grant creditgrant delay
grant elementgrant element (in development assistance)
grant element in development assistancegrant element of aid
grant-back provisiongrant-in-aid
granting stategraph
graph of workgraphic
graphic chartgraphic model
graphic schedulegratis
grey marketgreyhound system
grievancegrievance committee
grossgross accumulation
gross additions to fixed capitalgross amount
gross assetsgross assets(s) formation
gross average hourly earningsgross balance
gross base salary scalegross coefficient
gross datagross domestic investment
gross domestic productgross domestic product (GDP)
gross domestic product at factor costgross domestic product in purchasers" value (marketing value)
gross earningsgross error
gross exportgross fixed capital
gross fixed capital formationgross industrial production
gross interestgross interregional money flows
gross investmentsgross liabilities
gross margingross measure
gross national productgross national product (GNP)
gross national product deflatorgross of ...
gross operating incomegross output
gross private domestic investmentgross proceeds
gross productgross profit
gross receiptsgross remuneration
gross rentgross retention
gross returngross revenue
gross salesgross social product
gross value addedgross weight
grossfixed capital formationground rent
ground water exploration and developmentgroup
group Agroup B
group bonus wage plangroup factor
group incentivegroup insurance
group medicinegroup of Ten (Paris Club)
group task rategroup wage
groupinggrouping criterion
growth composition analysisgrowth curve
growth potentialgrowth rate
growth recessiongrowth stock
growth targetgrowth target (rate)
growth theoryguarantee
guarantee commitmentguarantee fund
guarantee periodguarantee test
guaranteed annual wageguaranteed credit
guaranteed farm pricesguaranteed hourly rate
guaranteed royaltyguaranteed royalty payment
guaranteed wage rateguarantor
guidelineguiding price
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